Thursday, August 14, 2008

Rome, Italy

I was in LOVE with Rome when we first arrived. The people were so friendly and willing to help even if they didn't speak a word of English! The Colusseum is AMAZING. It makes me want to watch Gladiator all over again! I spent way to many meals eating Gelato and Pizza. By the way, Pizza here is to DIE for. I will never look at Dominos the same way again.

Trevi Fountain - it took us forever and a day to find the Trevi Fountain. We spent a whole 5 minutes there before realizing we had to haul butt to the train station if we wanted to catch the last train to our hotel. We made it with 2 minutes to spare!

St. Peter's Square in Vatican City

Inside St. Peter's Basilica where they made us cover our shoulders and knees. Apparently you can go in completely naked as long as your shoulders and knees are covered

On our way to the Sistine Chapel

You're not allowed to film or photograph the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Here's the illegal video I took before I got caught filming...oopsie!

The Coloseum was my favorite part of Rome. The sheer size of it is mineblowing, and the tour guides do an amazing job of re-creating a visual image of what it was like in Roman times. We probably could have spent hours here if we weren't in such a hurry. It was an incredible feeling getting to touch something that had survived 2000 years of mother nature.

I found a Texas A&M symbol carved into the wall of the Coloseum! GO AGGIES!

Fei and me being dorks and pretending that we're gladiators

At the Roman Forum across from the Coloseum

These ruins used to be houses back in Roman times. I had to test out the bed :)

Spanish Steps

Ecstacy of Saint Teresa - from the book Angels & Demons

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