Thursday, August 14, 2008

Pompeii, Italy

Ever since my 7th grade Latin class, Pompeii has been high up on my list of places to visit. It absolutely lived up to every expectation I had! We had met 2 backpackers from Canada who were fluent in Italian and kind enough to help us get there and translate the brochure. For those who don't know, Pompeii is a ruined and partially buried Roman city that was destroyed, and completely buried during a catastrophic eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius in AD 79. The objects buried beneath the ash, including buildings, household objects, and even human corpses were remarkably well-preserved for nearly two thousand years.

The cloud of ash buried the town so quickly that it captured the facial expressions of those caught in the eruption. This mummy gave me the willies.

Sitting outside the Pompeii brothel, a popular hangout

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