What's the first thing I see outside of Reno?
nothing but me and the open road
Welcome to Death Valley. I can't even begin to explain how wonderful it was to not have ANY cell phone reception.
who thought this would be a good idea in the middle of the hot Nevada desert?
driving past Area 51....I think? and passing a bunch of hummers
Vegas at last! Anyone who uses google maps, listen up: their directions are WRONG! I got lost trying to find my hotel because google told me to take exit 76A instead of 76B, then met a handful of people who also got lost using the same directions. Driving through Vegas traffic on a Friday at 5pm is not. fun. at. all.
I stayed at the Primm Valley Resort just outside of Vegas and rode their awesome rollercoaster.
the strip at night

You made it to Vegas without getting abducted by aliens! YEAH!