Monday, August 21, 2006

spontaneous LA trip

Cousin Fei called me at 1pm to tell me she had a beachfront condo in San Diego all to herself. By 5pm I was on a plane to Southern California!

the view from our condo in SD!!

nothing like fresh seafood after a long day of beach bumming

our hotel in Hollywood. We stayed right next to the Kodak Theatre & Mann's Chinese Theatre.

you could see the Hollywood sign from our room!

waving my fake Oscar at the Kodak Theatre

gates to the Playboy Mansion. We totally stalked them!

the Ivy

me and almost-Johnny Depp

the fire escape that re-unites Julia Roberts and Richard Gere in Pretty Woman!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Scotland 2005

Elyse and I drank some crazy juice and did 9 cities in Scotland in 2 days. Only 5 pictures cause we were too busy running a muck.

I am viking hear me roar

it was SO COLD in Crieff. Check out this frozen spiderweb

My full Scottish breakfast. Also my first experience with Haggis, which I can safely say is the most disgusting thing I have ever tried. For those who don't know, Haggis is a traditional Scottish dish which consists of a mixture of the minced heart, lungs, and liver of a sheep stuff in the sheep's bladder. Totally disgusting, but I couldn't leave Scotland without trying it!

old school fish & chips! which tasted so much better than the haggis.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

London 2005

Elyse, Joy, and I hopped a plane to London after our shenanigans in Paris

These phone booths smelled SO BAD!!!

Chinatown in London? I'm home!

Her Majesty's Theatre - where we saw the Phantom of the Opera

Answering the age-old question....what DO they wear under those kilts??

lol it took me forever to climb up on this thing

For all the Harry Potter fans...this actually exists at Kings Cross!

Trafalgar Square

Abbey Road!

taking a shopping break at Harrod's


Princess Di memorial walk

normal....... FOB OUT!

St. Paul's Cathedral & Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

Tower Bridge

Big Ben & the London Eye


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Paris 2005

It's true what they say, the first European country you visit will always be your favorite. France will always hold a special place in my heart.

Velezy - a town outside of Paris where our friend Eric lives

First meal in Paris and I decided to go full-on Parisian and order snails....I actually liked them a lot!

this is my FAVORITE picture of Joy! We ate nothing but French pastries for dinner that night!

Frenchies sure love their wine! This was a dumpster outside by the park

an artistic shot of our hotel

check out that view

hiking up the hill in Montemartre wearing my barrett. How very French of me

The Opera Garnier


Sacre Couer

the Moulin Rouge!

goofing off at the Musee D'Orsay

it was so foggy this night, but our pictures came out amazing!

at the top of the Eiffel Tower

the gates and opulent gardens of Versailles

chilling out in a giant hand

The Louvre

Napoleon's crib - living & dining rooms

Arc du Triomphe & the stairs leading up the Arc

Paris' metro stations are so artistic! Each one is different

Winter in Paris!

Notre Dame and the giant xmas tree